Have you ever asked yourself why you desire certain things? Why do you put all your effort into keeping to the deadline and pushing yourself beyond your limits? I have asked myself why I was sent to school by my parents. I answered, ” so that other parent and their children will not laugh at my parents.” Fee years after answering that question, I asked myself again, why did you go to school? ” I answered agony, that I went to school so that I can fit into the norms of the society .”Do you know that the first and second answers are correct? They are correct because they were the right answer for that particular stage of my life. I asked myself the first question when I was in High school and the second question when I finished College and was scouting for a job.
I want you to do something before you continue reading. Search your thoughts for questions you have neglected to answer. Answer them now. No matter how dumb the answer seems, write it down. You do not need to answer the above questions right away, but having a clear, concise answer to this question will help you understand what I am about to explain better.
A German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why can endure anyhow” knowing your WHY is an important first step in the process of finding purpose. The WHY helps you enjoy living versus merely surviving. There is a saying that if the use of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.
Knowing your WHY also helps you pursue the things that are fulfilling. I have always distinguished between the people that help other people make things happen and those who make things happen with purpose. I am saying knowing your purpose helps you put the work into fulfilling your purpose instead of being cut off guard to help someone else who already knows where they are going to fulfill their purpose.
WHY do you need to know your purpose? Let me explain this using a scenario. In society today, there are different occupations and different classes. Different classes as the low class, middle class, and high class. The high class most times determines the law that governs the society, while the middle and the low class are forced to follow the law.
Purpose known is useless without the pain and sacrifice to actualize purpose. The act of taking responsibility in fulfilling purpose is the reward for finding purpose. A meaningful life is a purposeful life. The end result of the actualization of purpose fulfillment is the legacy that will be left for the coming generations.
This explains the purpose of social administration. The same applies to individuals and the conscious effort to know your why and work towards achieving it.
Finding your purpose helps you discover the reason for being. Discovering why you are created will make life meaningful and worth living.